Mecom can support the customer in the creation of 3D prototypes in order to test the product and check its criticalities. The company has a high-precision 3D PRINTER capable of printing objects in ONYX material (Nylon), which can have fillers of special materials such as Carbon, Kevlar and Fibreglass added. This results in a prototype with relevant mechanical performance that can be used for all necessary tests.
Starting from the customer’s idea, Mecom supports the customer in Co-Design for the development and industrialisation of the product. The 3D model is then produced with the customer’s requirements in mind and using the various production processes of die casting or plastic moulding.
Reverse Engeneering
Through a process of reverse engineering, we reconstruct the mathematics of the object to obtain a 3D view of the piece, which is necessary for mould design and construction.
The simulation of casting the material in the mould provides fundamental technical data for designing an optimal mould. This process helps obtain information on possible criticalities. For this, the company can count on qualified employees who, through sophisticated simulation software, offer their support in finding the best solution for the type of injection.
Quality control and dimensional measurements
Mecom has 2 CMM DEA three-dimensional measuring machines with a MEASURING ARM with laser scanning head that are used to check the dimensions or surfaces of the piece undergoing dimensional inspection. Qualified technicians can prepare a dimensional report confirming the required dimensions and tolerances.
Sampling / Pre-series
All moulds can be supplied with pre-sampling, so that the final part can be viewed and approved by the customer. Following the approval of the samples, we proceed with the production of the parts.